M 8/26 |
Introduction: Feminism and the Challenge of Fifth-Century Athenian Drama
- Study questions
optional ancillary reading:
- Barbara F. McManus, Classics & Feminism: Gendering the Classics (1997):
Ch. 1, "The Gendering of 'The Classics'," 63-96 - available in the Sakai
site for this class
W 8/28 |
Performing Drama in Ancient Athens
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (Fagles, Or. 103-122)
- Didaskalia,
Introduction to
Greek Stagecraft (webpage copyright
the Journal for Ancient Performance)
- Study questions
- Standing resources: for every play we read, be aware of chronology,
and take notes that will help you organize key information
- Index of Dates: our plays
were performed in real time for a human community, so their chronology matters - think how the plays
related to contemporary events and personalities, and to other plays the community had already seen
- First-Step Notetaking: begin from
- SQ3R for Primary-Source
Coursework: maximize the value of your investment in reading, by reading actively
- Study questions
- optional similar presentations,
with additional photos:
- optional ancillary reading:
- Simon Goldhill, "The Question of Tragedy," Part IV, Chapter 2 of Love, Sex, & Tragedy:
How the Ancient World Shapes Our Lives (2004), pp. 220-232 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 8/30 |
Queen the King
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (Fagles, Or. 122-141)
- Victoria Wohl, "Tragedy and Feminism" (from Rebecca Bushnell, ed., A Companion to
Tragedy, 2005) - available in the Sakai
site for this class
- Make sure you are reading the file Wohl2005.pdf for this assignment
- Wohl2009.pdf is a different piece.
- We will come back to this article in sections at intervals over this semester. This time, read pp. 145-150.
- Make sure you understand Wohl's narrative and explanations: look up any unfamiliar words in a good
dictionary and take notes.
- Study questions
M 9/2 |
Labor Day
W 9/4 |
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (Fagles, Or. 141-158)
- Study questions
optional ancillary reading:
- Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask, "The Marriage of Cassandra in the Oresteia,"
Transactions of the American Philological Association 136 (2006): 269-97 - available
in the Sakai site for this class
F 9/6 |
It Comes Home
M 9/9 |
Girl, Interrupted
- Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (Fagles, Or. 177-203)
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Janette Auer, "The Aeschylean Electra," Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
46 (2006): 249-273 - available
in the Sakai site for this class
W 9/11 |
The Power of Lament
F 9/13 |
Enter Athens
- Aeschylus, Eumenides (Fagles, Or. 231-255)
- Victoria Wohl, "Tragedy and Feminism" (from Rebecca Bushnell, ed., A Companion to
Tragedy, 2005: Wohl2005.pdf) - available in the
site for this class: this time, review pp. 145-150, but focus on pp. 149-153.
- Study questions
M 9/16 |
New Justice
- Aeschylus, Eumenides (Fagles, Or. 255-277)
- Study questions
optional ancillary reading:
- Jacqueline Long, "Gender, Democracy, and the Justice of Athena's Vote to Acquit Orestes,"
Text & Presentation 12 (2015), 57-69 - available in the Sakai
site for this class
W 9/18 |
She Stoops to Conquer
F 9/20 |
After the Fact
- Euripides, Electra (Morwood, M&OP 101-118)
- Study questions
- Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 1
- optional ancillary reading:
- Kirk Ormand, "Electra in Exile," in Denise Eileen McCoskey and Emily Zakin, eds., Bound by the City:
Greek Tragedy, Sexual Difference, and the Formation of the Polis (2009), Ch. 10,
pp. 247-273 - available in the Sakai
site for this class
M 9/23 |
- Sophocles, Electra (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 291-339)
- Study questions
- Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 1
- optional ancillary reading:
- Anne Duncan, "Gendered Interpretations: Two Fourth-Century B.C.E. Performances of
Sophocles' Electra," Helios 32 (2005): 55-79 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
W 9/25 |
Help Yourself
- Sophocles, Electra (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 339-385)
- Study questions
- Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 1
- optional ancillary reading:
- Froma Zeitlin, "A Study in Form: Three Recognition Scenes in the Three
Electra Plays," Lexis 30 (2012): 361-78 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 9/27 |
Exam I: Agamemnon's Nostos and the Next Generation, in three Playwrights
M 9/30 |
Begin the Betrayal, Again
W 10/2 |
Maiden Stakes
- Euripides, Iphigeneia at Aulis (Morwood, B&OP 108-132)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Jonah Radding, "Clytemnestra at Aulis: Euripides and the Reconsideration of
Tradition," Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 55 (2015): 832-62 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 10/4 |
Military Masculinity Unmanned
- Sophocles, Aias (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 13-55)
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Bruce M. King, "Masculinity and Freedom in Sophocles," in Kirk Ormand, ed.,
A Companion to Sophocles, 395-407 (Blackwell: 2012) - available in the
Sakai site for this class
M-T 10/7-8 |
Fall Break
W 10/9 |
Gender, Legitimacy, and Resilience
F 10/11 |
The Ends of War
M 10/14 |
Where the Gaze Looks
- Euripides, Trojan Women (Morwood, TW&OP 58-75)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Matthew Wright, "The Significance of Numbers in Trojan Women," in Poulheria
Kyriakou, ed., Wisdom and Folly in Euripides, 195-207 (de Gruyter: 2016) - available in the
Sakai site for this class
W 10/16 |
I Can't Go On, I Must Go On
F 10/18 |
The Right that is Left after Losing your Rights
- Euripides, Hecuba (Morwood, TW&OP 18-37)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- James Morwood, "Hecuba and the Democrats: Political Polarities in Euripides'
Play," Greece & Rome 61(2014): 194-203 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
M 10/21 |
Beauty Traduced
W 10/23 |
Redemptive Wit Wins
- Euripides, Helen (Morwood, M&OP 145-168)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Helene P. Foley, "Anodos Dramas: Euripides' Alcestis and Helen,"
Female Acts in Greek Tragedy (Princeton UP: 2001), 303-331 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 10/25 |
Making a House a Home
- Euripides, Andromache (Morwood, TW&OP 76-85)
- Victoria Wohl, "Tragedy and Feminism" (from Rebecca Bushnell, ed., A Companion to
Tragedy, 2005: Wohl2005.pdf) -
available in the Sakai
site for this class: this time, review pp. 145-153, but focus on pp. 153-156.
- Study questions
- Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 2
M 10/28 |
Who's Your Daddy?
- Euripides, Andromache (Morwood, TW&OP 85-97)
- Study questions
- Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 2
- optional ancillary reading:
- Aspasia Skouroumouni Stavrinou, "Inside and Out: the Dynamics of Domestic Space
in Euripides' Andromache," Hermes 142 (2014): 385-403 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
W 10/30 |
Goddess, Whore, Wife, Slave
F 11/1 |
Exam II: Further "Slices from Homer's Great Feasts"* - Other Trojan War Tragedies
M 11/4 |
Knowing the Unknown
W 11/6 |
Breaking Identity
- Euripides, Bacchae (Morwood, B&OP 69-83)
- Performance today!
- Reading journal-entry due today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Anton Bierl, "Maenadism as Self-Referential Chorality in Euripides' Bacchae,"
in Renaud Gagne and Marianne Govers Hopman, eds., Choral Meditations in Greek Tragedy, 211-26
(Cambridge UP: 2013) - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 11/8 |
Familial Values
- Sophocles, Antigone (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 629-665)
- Study questions
M 11/11 |
- Sophocles, Antigone (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 665-705)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Victoria Wohl, "Sexual Difference and the Aporia of Justice in Sophocles'
Antigone," in Denise Eileen McCoskey and Emily Zakin, eds., Bound by the City:
Greek Tragedy, Sexual Difference, and the Formation of the Polis (2009), Ch. 5,
pp. 119-148 - available in the Sakai
site for this class
W 11/13 |
Deja Vu All Over Again
- Euripides, Iphigeneia among the Taurians (Morwood, B&OP 1-21)
- Study questions
F 11/15 |
Escape Plot
- Euripides, Iphigeneia among the Taurians (Morwood, B&OP 21-43)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Barbara Kowalzig, "Transcultural Chorality: Iphigenia in Tauris and Athenian
Imperial Economics in a Polytheistic World,"
in Renaud Gagne and Marianne Govers Hopman, eds., Choral Meditations in Greek Tragedy, 178-210
(Cambridge UP: 2013) - available in the
Sakai site for this class
M 11/18
| R-E-S-P-E-C-T
W 11/20 |
Where Goddesses Get You
- Euripides, Hippolytus (Morwood, M&OP 61-80)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Monica Silveira Cyrino, "Of Love and Bondage in Euripides' Hippolytus,"
in Mark Masterson, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, and James Robson, eds., Sex in Antiquity:
Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, 231-44
(Routledge: 2015) - available in the
Sakai site for this class
F 11/22 |
Loss of a Husband's Desire
- Sophocles, Women of Trakhis (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 107-142)
- Victoria Wohl, "Tragedy and Feminism" (from Rebecca Bushnell, ed., A Companion to
Tragedy, 2005: Wohl2005.pdf) -
available in the Sakai
site for this class: this time, review pp. 145-156 and focus on pp. 156-159.
- Study questions
M 11/25 |
Transformations of Heroism
- Sophocles, Women of Trakhis (Bagg & Scully, Complete Soph. 142-179)
- Performance today!
- Study questions
- optional ancillary reading:
- Naomi Rood, "Four Silences in Sophocles' Trachiniae," Arethusa 43
(2010): 345-64 - available in the
Sakai site for this class
W-Sa 11/27-30 |
Thanksgiving Break
M 12/2 |
How Foreign a Wife
W 12/4 |
Breaking Heroic Partnership
F 12/6 |
Gendered Revenge
W 12/11 |
Fall Period Final Exam Study Day
Sa 12/14
1:00pm-3:00pm |
Final examination: Tragedy and Gender all over Greek Myth-Traditions