Loyola University Chicago

CLST 273G-001:
Classical Tragedy - Women and Gender Focus

Fall Semester 2019
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Medea, South-Italian krater, late 5th - early 4th c BC

Performances and Performance-essays


Before the performance:

Members of the performance team, individually

For the performance:

Members of the performance team, jointly in consultation with one another

To hand in, at the class meeting of the performance:

Each member of the performance team, individually, compose and type up a 750-900-word essay (3 typed pages) explaining the following points. Write your report as an essay, defining and proving a brief but cogent central argument. One of the important purposes of this exercise is to give you practice writing good academic papers.

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Revised 15 August 2019 by jlong1@luc.edu