Loyola University Chicago

UCLR 100C-002: Interpreting Literature - Classical Studies
Personal Voices in Greek and Roman Literature

Spring Semester 2024
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Monday-Wednesday-Friday 9:20am-10:10am
Life Science Building 412

wall-painting, Pompeii, c AD 50

Study Guide for Exam 1: Lyric Poetry of Archaic Greece


The exam will have three parts; there will be some measure of choice within each part.

Things to study

It is always useful -in any class- to think about how the different elements of the course-work serve the course-design. How have the texts we have read and discussed served as literature to be interpreted? How have different questions we have asked, and different exercises we have done, opened up different ways of interpreting our texts? What insights have you gained - into those texts, into how literature does what it does, into other readers of literature, into yourself as a reader of literature? What patterns do you see? Pursue significance: ask, "why does it matter?" Take your answers seriously. Be able to explain them. Be able to show what evidence supports them, and how. Recognize too that understanding grows as you build it, in more and more dimensions. The connections you see now and the insights you develop will equip you to keep reading more and more productively.

oStudying strategy: identify important ideas and identify specific passages that illustrate them; be able to explain with clear reasoning how the ideas work, what makes them important, and show with concrete evidence how the texts back up your insights.

You could be asked to identify some of the following items. Besides reporting specific information, you should also be able to state, briefly, concrete reasons why the information is important for understanding archaic Greek lyric poetry and classical Roman lyric or elegiac poetry, or poetry, or literature more generally. By recognizing why information matters, you equip yourself to understand more about it.

Themes and techniques: for the following and for terms and concepts also suggested above as potential identification-items, identify good particular examples in poems and fragments. Be able to analyze them individually and to trace them through multiple poems or authors so as to build up a comprehensive view.

Strategic advice for exam-writing

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Revised 7 February 2024 by jlong1@luc.edu