[Loyola University Chicago]

LATN 361-001 / CATH 361:
Augustine, Confessions

Spring Semester 2012

Victory-image, Madauros, photo J. J. O'Donnell

Augustine's Confessions ranks among the richest texts of the Late Antique world: one of the most talented public speakers of his age brings the full resources of his art to a personal exploration, addressed as a meditation to his God - for his congregation, friends and critics, and several centuries of later readers to listen in on. Augustine's Latin is highly readable. His story is endlessly engrossing, its characters indelibly drawn: an indomitable mother, dearly loved friends, the arresting bishop Ambrose. The Confessions also offers fascinating material for anyone interested in the traditions and profession of literature in classical antiquity, the social history of Roman North Africa and Italy amid the flowering of the Christian Church, or the philosophical influences and theological inquiry that shaped one of the fifth-century Church's most important Fathers.

Our work this term will have three central aims (plus the fourth, of having fun with them):

Class Meetings:

MWF 2:45pm-3:35pm
Crown Center 572

Dr. Long is available in Office Hours:

MWF 1:30pm-2:30pm, Crown Center 579
or by appointment


Schedule of Assignments

Policies and Assessment

Additional Resources
Augustine and the Late Antique World Resources for Latin Resources for Writing

Academic Honesty, the Only Way to Go:

Additional University resources

Loyola Homepage Classical Studies Department Find Loyolans Loyola Site Index

Loyola University Chicago

Revised 16 January 2012 by jlong1@luc.edu