[Loyola University Chicago]

LATN 286/289: The Age of Nero

Fall Semester 2007

Nero, c AD 50, Palatine Hill, Rome; photo J. Long 2006

Verb Grid

Ahenobarbi auctorem originis itemque cognominis habent L. Domitium, cui rure quondam revertenti iuvenes gemini augustiore forma ex occursu imperasse traduntur, nuntiaret senatui ac populo victoriam, de qua incertum adhuc erat. Suet, Ner. 1.1

Verb-form Person or Substantive-attributes1 Number (if any) Tense Voice Mood or Part of Speech2 Sense in Context Construction3
habent 3 pl. pres. act. indic. have main verb of the whole sentence - statement of fact
revertenti masc. dat. sing. pres. act. part. (while) returning participle in predicative agreement with indirect object cuiof the relative clause
imperasse (neut., n/a) (n/a) pf. act. infin. give an order complementary infin. with traduntur
traduntur 3 pl. pres. pass. indic. be said by tradition verb of relative clause of fact
nuntiaret 3 sing. imp. act. subj. announce verb of indirect command dependent on imperasse
erat 3 sing. imp. act. indic. be verb of relative clause of fact

1Finite verbs have person, among other attributes, non-finite verbs don't: so if the form is a finite one, give the person, but if it's a non-finite form like a participle or an infinitive, use this box to state what gender and case it has (gender and case are attributes of a substantive; number, which is an attribute of both substantives and verbs, here gets a box of its own).

2Finite verbs have mood, among other attributes, non-finite verbs don't: so if the form is a finite one, give the mood, but if it's a non-finite form like a participle or an infinitive, use this box to state what part of speech it is.

3"Construction" asks you to indicate briefly why the verb takes the form that it takes, in order to tell you what the sentence is using it to tell you: what type of clause, participial phrase, etc., is the verb-form helping to create in this sentence?

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Revised 24 July 2007 by jlong1@luc.edu