The reading assignments yield essential preparation for class meetings
and visits to sites:
complete the reading before the day for which a reading is listed;
review it again as needed.
W 9/1 | Orientation to the Heart of Rome
Capitoline Hill and environs
W 9/8 | Early Rome
Roman Forum and Forum Antiquarium
W 9/15 | Republic I: Conquest, Growth and Celebration
Forum Boarium and Forum Holitorium
W 9/22 | Republic II: the System and its Stresses
Tiber River and environs
F 9/24 | Roman Theatres
Remains of the Ancient Roman Theatres (surprise!)
W 9/29 | Julius Caesar: Recrafting Urban Space
Roman Forum, Forum of Julius Caesar
W 10/6 | Augustus Caesar's City of Marble
Ara Pacis and environs
F-Su 10/8-10/15 | Fall Break |
W 10/20 | Palatine Living
Palatine Hill
W 10/27 | Midterm Examination -- in GL1 |
W 11/3 | Public Entertainment
Circus Maximus, Colosseum, and environs
W 11/10 | Emperors and Public Life
Imperial Fora and Trajan's Markets
F 11/12 | Memorializing Emperors
Column of Trajan, Column of Marcus Aurelius, and environs
W 11/17 | Roman Bathing
Baths of Caracalla and environs
W 11/24 | Late Antique Rome
Roman Forum, Arch of Constantine
W 12/1 | Christianizing Rome
S. Giovanni in Laterano, S. Croce in Gerusalemme, and environs
W 12/8 | Floating Day -- to be rescheduled to accomodate Papal Audience |
Th 12/9 | Study/Reading Day |
M 12/13
3:00-5:00 PM |
Final Examination -- in GL1
or as otherwise scheduled by Loyola and/or Rome Center administration |
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Revised 29 July 1999 by
(e-mail address at Rome TBA)