Grades will be based on:
Class Participation (genuine, courteous, and substantive taking part in class discussion, not just attendance) | 10% |
On-site presentations (includes written report) | 20% |
Rome Journal entries | 20% |
Midterm examination | 25% |
Final examination | 25% |
Attendance and other policies
A large part of the point of this course is to go to the sites in person and explore them, in class times with the instructor's guidance. Attendance at every meeting and for the entire meeting is mandatory. This is not only an administrative requirement, because identifying and discussing sites will be a significant component of both midterm and final exams: if you weren't there, you're going to miss the question completely.
Specific times and places for our meetings will be posted in advance each week on the notice-board in the porter's lodge. Be sure to allow plenty of time (usually an hour or more) to get from the Rome Center to the meeting-point. Our time together is limited, and we have a lot to explore, so we will have to be ruthlessly prompt.
Wear clothing in which you will be comfortable walking outdoors, sometimes at great length, no matter what the weather is doing to us. Sturdy, comfortable shoes are essential.
Watch out for all scheduling announcements. At some Wednesday during the semester we will be slotting in the Floating Wednesday of the Papal Audience, and moving all our scheduled class meetings down a week to fit.
Exams can be rescheduled only for truly dire and documented reasons (travel elsewhere is not a valid reason). They will include both short-answer and essay questions, involving identifying and discussing sites and physical evidence on them that we have visited together in class. Write legibly and spell correctly. Thanks!
Academic Honesty
Any practice of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, obstructing the work of other students, etc.) perpetrated in this course will result in failure of the coures. Do not do it. In addition, Loyola University requires that "all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved," who may be obliged to pursue more severe penalties. See pp. 13-15 of the Undergraduate Studies Catalog.
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Revised 29 July 1999 by
(e-mail address at Rome TBA)