[Loyola University Chicago]

CLST 271: Classical Mythology

Fall Semester 2002
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Policies and Assessment

Grades will be based on:

Participation (genuine, courteous, and substantive contributions to class discussion and other in-class activities, not merely attendance) 10%
First in-class examination 17.5%
Second in-class examination 17.5%
Performances and essays (includes collaborative group presentations and individual written reports) 12.5%
  • Paper 2 will be optional for students who earn a grade of A or B+ on Paper 1; Paper 2 will be required of students whose grades of B or lower on Paper 1 show they can benefit from additional work on research and writing skills.
  • The figure used for this component will represent the average of the grade(s) earned on Paper 1 and Paper 2 if applicable.
Final examination 25%
Penalty for excessive absences (see below) -2.5% per absence falling within the definition of excess (see below)
The "midterm grade" will reflect the weighted average, pro-rated, of the components completed to date: participation, work on projects, exams given.

Attendance and other policies

Additional University resources

The Learning Assistance Center, on the Web and at Damen Hall 101 on the Lakeshore Campus, offers workshops on topics such as study skills and test taking. They will also help arrange accommodations for students with disabilities.

Academic honesty

Any practice of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, obstructing the work of other students, etc.) perpetrated in this course will result in failure of the coures. Do not do it. In addition, Loyola University requires that "all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved," who may be obliged to pursue more severe penalties. See pp. 19-21 of the on-line Undergraduate Studies Catalog (as counted by the pdf counter; I think it's 16-19 according to the corners of the pages as displayed).

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Loyola University Chicago

Revised 20 August 2002 by jlong1@orion.it.luc.edu