[Loyola University Chicago]

LATN 388/488
Readings in Latin Literature I: the Historia Augusta

Fall Semester 2002

Monday, 2:30-5:00 PM
Crown Center 572
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Provisional Order of Proceeding

After the first few weeks of introducing major questions and scholarship, we will assess where the seminar members' interests are crystalizing, and start to fine-tune the remainder of the semester's program.

Nota bene! 388 students and 488 students have different reading assignments in the Latin text.
388 students please read in English the balance of the 488 students' Latin assignments, beyond your particular Latin assignments, so that the whole seminar will be able to partake in and appreciate discussion.

Primary Text

The Scriptores Historiae Augustae, ed. and tr. David Magie, Loeb Classical Library, 3 vols. (Harvard Univ. Press 1921-32 and rpt.)

M 8/26 Where is this text coming from? introduction to later Roman history and heritage; text-transmission; author, author! (?!)
M 9/2 No classes. Labor Day.
M 9/9 Getting Serious about Greek and Roman Biography; Life of Hadrian
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Hadr. 388: V. Hadr. 1-2, 7, 17-21
  • Article reports:
    • Sir Ronald Syme, "Biography against History," ch. 18 of Ammianus and the Historia Augusta, 94-102 (Clarendon Press 1968).
    • Bruno Gentili and Giovanni Cerri, "The Idea of Biography," ch. 3 of History and Biography in Ancient Thought, London Studies in Classical Philology 20, 61-85 (Gieben 1988).
    • Michael Meckler, "The Beginning of the Historia Augusta," Historia 45 (1993) 364-75.
M 9/16 Who's to Say What Significance Signifies? Life of Aelius
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Ael.; review V. Hadr. 23-25 388: V. Ael.
  • Article reports:
    • Sir Ronald Syme, "The Secondary Vitae," BHAC 1968/69 (1970) 285-307; rpt. as ch. 4 of Emperors and Biography, 54-77 (Clarendon Press 1971).
    • T. D. Barnes, "The Factual Content of the Historia Augusta: The Augusti from Hadrian to Caracalla; Princes and Pretenders from Aelius Caesar to Geta," ch. 4.1, 2 of The Sources of the Historia Augusta, Coll. Latomus 155, 38-54 (Latomus: Revue d'Etudes Latines 1978).
    • Daniël den Hengst, "The Prefaces to the Lives of Princes, Co-regents and Pretenders," ch. 2 of The Prefaces in the Historia Augusta, 10-43 (Grüner Publishing Co. 1981).
M 9/23 Source - Design - Knowledge: the Eternal Triangle of Historiographical Research; Life of Verus
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Veri 388: V. Veri
  • Article reports:
    • T. D. Barnes, "Hadrian and Lucius Verus," JRS 57 (1967) 65-79.
    • Sir Ronald Syme, "Ignotus, the Good Biographer," BHAC 1966/67 (1968) 131-53; rpt. as ch. 3 of Emperors and Biography, 30-53 (Clarendon Press 1971).
    • Alan Cameron, review of Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta [1968], JRS 61 (1971) 255-67.
M 9/30 Utter Transgression; Life of Elagabalus
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Elag. 388: V. Elag. 1-4, 6-8, 13-17
  • Article reports:
    • T. D. Barnes, "Ultimus Antoninorum," BHAC 1970 (1972) 53-74.
    • Elisabeth Alföldi Rosenbaum,
      • "Apicius, De Re Coquinaria and the Vita Heliogabali, BHAC 1970 (1972) 5-10.
      • "Heliogabalus' and Aurelian's Stag Chariots and the Caesar Contorniates," HAC n.s. 2, Colloquium Genevense 1991 (1994) 5-10 and pll.
    • Anthony Richard Birley, "Indirect Means of Tracing Marius Maximus," HAC n.s. 3, Colloquium Maceratense 1992 (1995) 57-74.
M 10/7 As Good as It Gets - But Why? Life of Severus Alexander
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Sev. Alex. 388: V. Sev. Alex. 1-5, 26-28, 53-57, 65
  • Article reports:
    • T. D. Barnes, "The Lost Kaisergeschichte and the Latin Historical Tradition," BHAC 1968/69 (1970) 13-43.
    • Sir Ronald Syme, "The Reign of Severus Alexander," ch. 9 of Emperors and Biography, 146-62 (Clarendon Press 1971).
    • Jan Scholtemeijer, "Historia Augusta: The 'Nomen Antoninorum' Theme," in Ursula Vogel-Weidemann with Jan Scholtemeijer, eds., Charistion: C. P. T. Naudé, 99-112 (Univ. S. Africa 1993).
M 10/14 - T 10/15 No classes. MIDSEMESTER BREAK!
M 10/21 Ideals, Balanced by Something Less than the Kitchen Sink; Life of Antoninus Pius or Life of Marcus Aurelius
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Marci 388: V. Marci
  • Thematic forays
M 10/28 Brutal Efficiency, with a Side-Interest in Prognostication; Life of Severus
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Sev. 388: V. Sev. 5-7, 15-16, 19-24
  • Sir Ronald Syme, "Astrology in the Historia Augusta," BHAC 1972/74 (1976); rpt. as ch. 6 of Historia Augusta Papers, 80-97 (Clarendon Press 1983).
M 11/4 Prodigious Body; Life of Two Maximinuses
  • Latin reading:
    488: Max. duo 388: Max. duo 1-9, 14-15, 27-28
  • Michael Meckler, "Maximinus Thrax (235-238 AD)," www.roman-emperors.org/maxthrax.htm, DIR, 1997.
  • Sir Ronald Syme, "The Emperor Maximinus," ch. 11 of Emperors and Biography, 179-93 (Clarendon Press 1971).
M 11/11 Looks Like a Loser; Life of Two Gallienuses
  • Latin reading:
    488: Gall. duo 388: Gall. duo 1-6, 11-15
  • Richard D. Weigel, "Valerian (A.D. 253-260) and Gallienus (A.D. 253-268)," www.roman-emperors.org/gallval.htm, DIR, 1998.
  • Frank M. Clover, "Gallienus the Poet," Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bonnense, ed. Giorgio Bonamente and Klaus Rosen, HAC n.s. 5, 115-27 (Edipuglia 1997).
M 11/18 One In Every Pot: Lives of Thirty Usurpers
  • Latin reading:
    488: Tyr. trig. 388: Tyr. trig. 1, 3-7, 21, 27-28, 30-31
  • Timothy D. Barnes, "Oppressor, Persecutor, Usurper: the Meaning of 'Tyrannus' in the Fourth Century," Historiae Augustae Colloquium Barcinonense, ed. Giorgio Bonamente and Marc Mayer, HAC n.s. 4, 55-65 (Edipuglia 1996).
  • Report on research in progress: Jilana
M 11/25 A Future for Heroism: Life of Claudius
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Claud. 388: V. Claud. 1-6, 8-13
  • Sir Ronald Syme, "The Ancestry of Constantine," BHAC 1971 (1974) 237-53; rpt. as ch. 5 of Historia Augusta Papers, 63-79 (Clarendon Press 1983).
  • Report on research in progress: Justin
Th 11/28 - Su 12/1 No classes. THANKSGIVING BREAK!
M 12/2 Research and More: Life of Aurelian
  • Latin reading:
    488: V. Aurel. 388: V. Aurel. 1-2, 18-30
  • G. W. Bowersock, "The Aethiopica of Heliodorus and the Historia Augusta," HAC n.s. 2, Colloquium Genevense 1991 (1994) 42-52 (a slightly expanded version of "The Aethiopica of Heliodorus," App. B of Fiction as History: Nero to Julian, 149-60 [UC Press 1994]).
  • Report on research in progress: Bill
W 12/4, Th 12/5 Study days
F 12/6 Researched paper due
F 12/13
8:00 - 10:00 AM
Final examination.
See Loyola's Final Exam Schedule, Schedule of Classes.

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Revised 11 November 2002 by jlong1@orion.it.luc.edu