Loyola University Chicago

CLST 384 - The Humanism of Antiquity II

Spring Semester 2022

Aeneas panel, Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13-9 BC

In this capstone course, students pursuing the Department's different majors and the Latin minor (and Post-Baccalaureate candidates, Greek minors, and Classical Civilization minors who choose) study jointly how selected important Roman texts develop ideas about the human person. Participants' reading, research, writing, and contributions to discussion build their knowledge, hone their judgment, and advance our shared inquiry. Each takes responsibility for actively, mutually, enriching us all. What did Roman civilization contribute to humanity's conversation about individuals' relationships with one another, with their community, with the state, with other peoples, with the natural world, and with the transcendent? How did the forces of Roman history shape Roman society, culture, and values? How can we today improve our understanding of this part of our past? How can we bring our understanding to bear on making our today more humane?

Our work together will pursue several interlocking aims (plus, ideally, that of having fun with them):

Thursday, 4:15pm-6:45pm
on campus: Crown Center 572
online: Zoom link in the Sakai site for this class
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Office Hours: Th 3:00pm-4:00pm, Crown 563 when classes are being held on campus or by Zoom link in the Sakai site for this class - otherwise by appointment
phoning 773-508-3511 will reach me eventually by Outlook's very approximate transcription-function - e-mailing directly is a much sounder way to reach me
e-mail: jlong1@luc.edu


Policies and Assessment

Schedule of Reading Assignments and Topics

Pragmatical Statement of Learning Outcomes

Disciplinary Knowledge - to be demonstrated orally and in writing

Critical Skills - to be exercised in active inquiry

Additional Resources

Basics of Academic Life: Studying, Research, and Writing

Roman Literature, History, and Culture Additional support-resources at Loyola University Chicago

Academic honesty, a.k.a. the life's blood of the intellect:

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Loyola University Chicago

Revised 16 January 2022 by jlong1@luc.edu