Loyola University Chicago

CLST 295 / WSGS 295:
Women in the Classical World

Fall Semester 2011
Dr. Jacqueline Long

two girls playing knucklebones, painted terracotta figurine-group, Capua, 3c BC; photo B. Laforse

Study Guide for the Final Examination


The exam will have three parts; there will be some measure of choice within each part.

Things to study

The exam will focus on the material we have covered since Exam II: women's experience and thinking about women in the Roman world in its large sense, legendary period, Republic, civil wars and Triumviral period, Principate, high Empire, and late Empire, including multicultural discourses and those introduced by the new religion of Christianity. Terms and items you might be asked to identify include: Themes and overarching considerations to consider (both for passages and for the essay; see also daily Study questions):
oStrategy: think of specific passages that illustrate important points, so you can back up your arguments with concrete evidence on the test. Be sure you explain clearly how the passage helps demonstrate your point. Helpful elements: What does it say? What does that mean? Why does it mean that? How do you know?
oApology and reassurance: this list looks long because I'm trying to think of as many possible dimensions of study in our material as I can -- and succeeding! What I'm really trying to do is to remind you of possibilities and to encourage you to open the doors of inquiry wide to your own interests.
oGeneral-purpose reflection: we are about societal and cultural understanding, not memorization of minutiae. It is convenient to be able to identify major figures swiftly, by name, but it is far, far more important to demonstrate, by explaining clearly, that you recognize and understand how details of our sources, the actions and relationships evoked in them, and characteristic associated imagery, reflect concepts and values relating to women and gender in the Classical world.

And yet more strategic advice

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Revised 14 December 2011 by jlong1@luc.edu