Loyola University Chicago

CLST 295 / WSGS 295:
Women in the Classical World

Fall Semester 2011
Dr. Jacqueline Long

two girls playing knucklebones, painted terracotta figurine-group, Capua, 3c BC; photo B. Laforse

Policies and Assessment

Grades will be based on:

Contributions to Class (the value you add to everyone's learning: thoughtful questions, pertinent answers, insight, logic, substance, and always courtesy - more than mere attendance)
  • Penalty for excessive absences (see below)
the Contribution component will have 2.5% deducted for each absence falling within the definition of excess (see below)
Reading journal (your engaged, thoughtful, substantive response to assigned readings and class discussion since the last collection) 20%
First in-class examination 22.5%
Second in-class examination 22.5%
Final examination 22.5%
The "midterm grade" will reflect the weighted average, pro-rated, of the components completed to date.

Attendance and other policies

Additional University resources

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Revised 26 August 2011 by jlong1@luc.edu