CLST 273H: Classical Tragedy
Spring Semester 2002
Dr. Jacqueline Long
Researched Paper - Books on Reserve
This reserve list includes several books offering interesting,
up-to-date treatments of information and ideas pertinent to topics you
expressed interest in investigating. You should
- Take advantage of these resources to start investigating your areas
of interest.
- But not expect that these books and chapters will cover everything
that might be relevant to your topic - keep investigating further!
- And not expect that these books and chapters represent the final
word on the topics they do cover - in particular, the whole point of
the researched project is for you to show how your
thoughtful and engaged reading of the primary texts, in light of
relevant background information (such as is contained in some of these
works, at least as a starting-point for you), can take our
understanding of Greek tragedy further.
- Keep in mind that topics do overlap: I've listed the reserve books
by the topics to which they seem to be most useful, but cross-check the
other areas too. It's always a good strategy to investigate broadly
first, then tighten your focus to a topic that you can treat in
good depth, with full discussion of relevant evidence, in a 7-9 page
- See further my guide to Beginning
Research on Topics in Classical Studies.
Of Value for Most Topics
- Eric Csapo and William J. Slater, The Context of Ancient
Drama (1995): PA 3024 .C75 1995
( primary source
material in translation on all aspects of ancient Greek (and Roman)
drama and its production, with introductions to the various topics)
- P. E. Easterling, ed., Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy
(1997): PA 3131 .E28 1997
( secondary
introductions to numerous topics, including production, social context,
and literary history)
Athenian Society (specifically) and Greek Social Values (more
- John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchange: Essays in Greek
Literature and Culture (2001): BL 782 .G668 2001
- Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Justice of Zeus, 2nd edn. (1983):
BL 782 .L57 1983
- Ruth Scodel, ed., Theater and Society in the
Classical World (1993): PA 3024 .T47 1993
- John J. Winkler and Froma I. Zeitlin, eds.,
Nothing to do with Dionysos? Athenian Drama in its Social
Context (1990): PA 3136 .N68 1990
Women and Gender
- Diotima is an
invaluable, general clearinghouse of on-line resources for the study
of women in classical antiquity (not Cudahy Reserves, but not to be
- Elaine Fantham et al., Women in the Classical World:
Image and Text (1994): HQ 1127 .W652 1994
( general
overview of all aspects of women's lives and ideologies concerning
women in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, with extensive selection
of translated primary sources and artworks - get general background
- Helene Foley, "The Conception of Women in Athenian Drama," in
Foley, ed., Reflections of Women in Antiquity (1981):
HQ 1134 .R4 1981
( strongly
recommended as a starting-point for research in this area)
- Laura McClure, Spoken Like a Woman: Speech and Gender in
Athenian Drama (1999): PA 3136 .M39 1999
- Victoria Wohl, Intimate Commerce: Exchange, Gender, and
Subjectivity in Greek Tragedy (1998): PA 3136 .W64 1998
- Froma Zeitlin, Playing the Other: Gender and Society in
Classical Greek Literature (1996): PA 3016 .W65 Z44 1996
Aristotle's Poetics and Tragedy
- Stephen Halliwell, Aristotle's Poetics (1986):
PN 1040 .A53 H35 1986b
- Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, ed., Essays on Aristotle's Poetics
(1992): PN 1040 .A53 R67 1992
Theatrical Production and Performance
- Clifford Ashby, Classical Greek Theatre: New Views of an Old
Subject (1999): PA 3201 .A79 1999
- Didaskalia,
to Greek Stagecraft, and further bibliography there
- David Wiles, Tragedy in Athens: Performance Space and Theatrical
Meaning (1997): PA 3201 .W55 1997
Various Literary Interest
- Peter Burian, Directions in Euripidean Criticism (1985):
PA 3978 .D59 1985
- Simon Goldhill, Reading Greek Tragedy (1986):
PA 3131 .G54 1986
- Jasper Griffin, ed., Sophocles Revisited (1999):
PA 4417 .S6916 1999
- Ian McAuslan and Peter Walcot, eds., Greek Tragedy (1993):
PA 3133 .G683 1993
- Charles Segal, Interpreting Greek Tragedy: Myth, Poetry,
Text (1986): PA 3131 .S44 1986
- Charles Segal, Oedipus Tyrannus, 2nd edn. (2001):
PA 4413 .O7 S52 2001
- Charles Segal, Sophocles' Tragic World (1995):
PA 4417 .S46 1995
- Alan Sommerstein, Aeschylean Tragedy (1996):
PA 3829 .S554 1996
- Jean-Pierre Vernant and Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Myth and Tragedy
in Ancient Greece, tr. Janet Lloyd (1988): PA 3131 .V413 1988
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