[Loyola University Chicago]

CLST 273 - H: Classical Tragedy

Spring Semester 2002
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Policies and Assessment

Grades will be based on:

Participation in Class Discussions (genuine, courteous, and substantive contributions, not just attendance) 10%
Staged readings and associated notes 10%
Writing Assignments (WA1 @ 6% + WA2 @ 6%) 12%
Researched Paper (AnnBib @ 2% + RP @ 15%) 17%
First in-class examination 17%
Second in-class examination 17%
Final examination 17%
The "midterm grade" will reflect the weighted average, pro-rated, of the components completed to date: participation, exercises and presentations to date, and the midterm exam.

Attendance and other policies

Active discussion in class and creative, cooperative collaboration on presentations are important components of this course. If you are absent, not only do you have to find out at second hand what the class does, but your colleagues including me lose your contribution to our learning. If you must miss class, please let me know as far in advance as possible. Legitimate absences should be documented in writing.

Exams can be rescheduled only for truly dire and documented reasons. They will involve short-answer and essay questions. Bring pens that don’t smear on the days when these exams are scheduled. Write legibly and spell correctly. Thanks!

Academic honesty

Any practice of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, obstructing the work of other students, etc.) perpetrated in this course will result in failure of the coures. Do not do it. In addition, Loyola University requires that "all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved," who may be obliged to pursue more severe penalties. See pp. 19-21 of the on-line Undergraduate Studies Catalog.

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Revised 12 January 2002 by jlong1@orion.it.luc.edu